GIS Christmas calendar – day 24

I have written earlier about how I used the Great Circle Mapper to find out how far I have travelled by plane to events and meetings for EGEA (so not including family travels) between September 2010 and October 2015. I found out that I have travelled over 80 000 km, or over two times around the world in this period. But how does all those travels look on a single map?

That easy to find out, again using the Great Circle Mapper. Instead of entering the individual travels like I have done earlier I have now entered all the itineraries at once. The string of paths for the map below is like this:

trd-ams,ams-otp,otp-clj,otp-ams,ams-trd,osl-hel,hel-led,led-tll,tll-osl,trd-osl,osl-muc,muc-osl,osl-trd,trd-osl,osl-rix,rix-osl ,osl-trd,osl-txl,txl-beg,beg-txl,txl-osl,ryg-crl,crl-ryg,trd-cph,cph-trd,trd-osl,osl-waw,waw-bgo,bgo-trd,osl-rix,rix-otp,otp-dtm,ams-cph,cph-trd,trd-osl,osl-fra,fra-osl,osl-trd,osl-ams,crl-ryg,osl-hel,hel-osl,trd-ams,ams-trd,trd-ams,ams-trd,trd-osl,osl-muc,muc-cph,cph-osl,osl-trd,ryg-tll,tll-ryg,trd-osl,osl-waw,waw-osl,osl-trd,ryg-lrh,lrh-ryg,trd-ams,ams-vie,vie-ams,ams-trd,trd-ams,ams-muc,vie-ams,ams-trd,ryg-crl,crl-ryg,trd-osl,osl-muc,muc-osl,osl-trd,trd-osl,osl-ams,trd-osl,osl-vie,vie-osl,osl-trd,trd-osl,osl-ams,dus-osl,osl-trd,ryg-mla,mla-ryg

Which then gives this map output.

Another website that can be used to map flight paths is GPS Visualizer. On this page it is possible to enter paths in the same way, and then get a map output as a jpg, svg or png file, a Google map or as a compressed Google Earth KML file. These maps also have different colours on the paths, but I noticed that even if all airports were on the map some of the paths to them were missing. I plan to edit the KML file manually to include these paths, but that’s for later. Now it’s Christmas, and I wish all my readers here a merry Christmas!

Maps generated by the Great Circle Mapper – copyright © Karl L. Swartz.

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