GIS Christmas calendar – day 19

Back in 2013 The Norwegian National Mapping Authority released a lot of its geographical data in the hope that citiens and companies could use it for new services that could benefit a lot of people. I have downloaded and used some of their data and find it great that it is available. But according to the organisation for geomatics in Norway, GeoForum, there is a higher potential for innovation than what has been done so far. So therefore they have launched a program called “Project Innovation” (site in Norwegian) to help people create things with the available data. They have written a set of tutorials on how to use the national data to make different web maps, they will organise various seminars and they have also put together a pool of experts (of which I know a few) that are willing to answer questions.

While this program is meant for Norwegians and the released data is for Norway, the tutorials on GeoForums GitHub page also has example code for the tutorials to help you get started so they might be useful for others too (and maybe google translate makes the tutorial texts understandable in English).

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