The 2017 reverse Christmas calendar
So, this year I decided to try out something completely different. Instead of a Christmas calendar where I get something everyday I will try to get rid of something everyday. I will try to give away, sell or recycle something I own/have in my apartment every day until Christmas.
The reason why I’m doing this is because I have too many things, many of which I don’t need or don’t use. Some things are simply things that I can recycle or dispose of, like some glass bottles I have kept or old batteries. My apartment is filled with stuff and I want to downsize a little by reducing the things I own. I have no ambition of becoming a minimalist, but I see that I can reduce what I have. Also from an environmental perspective, reducing or recycling is good and hopefully someone else can benefit from some of the things I no longer need.
To not make 24 individual blog posts I will update this post and replace the numbers with the updates for each day.
December 1st
Recycling glass and metal
To start with a simple task I wanted to do something I have been postponing for far too long, which is recycling glass bottles, jars and cans that have accumulated over some time. Some of the bottles are nice empty beer bottles that I have kept on the top shelf of my kitchen, like one that was specially made for a wedding I was in two years ago. Here in Norway most people sort their trash, and here we have several trash cans for each house for waste, paper and plastic. For glass and metal I had to go 500 meters to the closest recycling station.
December 2nd
Giving away a big suitcase
Today I’m putting this massive suitcase (which once cost me a lot in overweight fees) out on the biggest Norwegian buy and sell page. This is the same suitcase I mentioned in this blog post.

December 3rd
Selling Simpsons dvd boxes
Today I have the first thing I will try to sell, and that is six dvd boxes with complete seasons of the Simpsons. I’m never watching them and I have more movies than I have place for, so these can leave my movie collection. I also recycled lots of plastic bags and boxes that I had in the kitchen.

December 4th
Testing and sorting batteries
Another thing that accumulates over time is batteries. Electronic devices regularly needs new batteries, and then the old ones pile up. Thankfully more and more devices are now rechargeable, but for the things I have that run on AA or AAA batteries I regularly get new batteries. I had rechargeable some AA and AAA batteries for some time, but due to lack of use they sadly died from resting on a shelf too long. I will not have to go far to get rid of the batteries, here in Trondheim every household have a red garbage box for dangerous/hazardous waste, like chemicals, paint, batteries, light bulbs or small electronics. Most shops that sell electronics here now also have a recycling station for electronics, batteries and light bulbs.
This box is by the way a box they give away for free at IKEA, it’s meant to be used for light bulbs. When it is full it can be taken back to IKEA and then they give 10 Norwegian kroner to WWF.
December 5th
Giving away a “rocket launching” alarm clock.
This alarm clock counts down to ten, then releases a small plastic rocket that has to be put back in place to turn off the alarm. I don’t have much more to say about it.

December 6th
Giving away a light table
This is a light table used to watch film negatives or slides on, that I bought for almost nothing at a flea market some years ago. Since I’m not doing much of analog photography work at home these days and it was collecting dust I gave it to a coworker.

December 7th
Trying to sell an ice cream maker
I have had this ice cream maker since I was much younger, but I have only used it a few times. So that will be today’s thing.

December 8th
Selling an old double cassette stereo set
I took over this old stereo set from my grandparents, but as I have not had space for it and don’t listen to cassettes anymore these days it has lived in (my parents) attic. Which is a bit sad as it still works great. According to this website it’s a model from 1985, and it’s even made in Austria!

December 9th
Sorting old school note books
Now this thing is like last day’s item also from my parents attic and a bit embarrassing. It’s all my note books for every subject I had in secondary and high school (or 6 years of school work). I have never used them since as I have not needed the information in them and there is no system to find a particular topic in the notes apart from one notebook of maths notes I made before an exam. I will keep some written material, but hopefully I will be able to not be nostalgic and recycle most of it.

December 10th
Giving away a camera underwater housing
I bought this camera underwater housing on sale once thinking it would fit a Casio camera I have. It sort of does, if I put some foam around the camera to keep it in place inside the underwater housing. But the buttons does not match up, and I have used it only once.

December 11th
Discarding of old wrapping paper and envelopes.
I had kept old Christmas wrapping in a hope of reusing some of it, but sadly once the good parts are reused I’m left with small pieces that has holes and tears from tape and unwrapping. I have also kept a small pile of bubble wrap envelopes (mostly from small on line purchases) thinking that might be useful. But since they are covered in labels and tape they can’t easily be reused. Due to the mix of paper and plastic and the high level of ink used in gift paper I will not be able to recycle much of this, but the trash here gets burnt and the energy gets used for heating buildings in the city.

December 12th
Sorting the 1st shelf
I have 4Â tall shelves of boxes, books and other things, and now I have sorted the first one and in the process thrown a little away. There used to be many things on top of these boxes.

December 13th
Returning two Stormberg jackets using their recycle scheme
I have two older Stormberg jackets that I never use anymore because they have seen better days and are kind of worn. So I’m thinking of using Stormbergs clothes return scheme. Stormberg, as an environmentally conscious company wants to reduce clothes being put in the trash. So they have a return scheme where you can bring back your old Stormberg clothes to a store, and then it’s reused or recycled by them and then they give you a small gift card as a “thank” for bringing back the clothes.

December 14th
Giving away many books
I have loads of books, so I will give away some. I have read some of them, but most are books I have either thought was interesting at some time or got as gifts but not read (sorry).

December 15th
Sorting and giving away or recycling magazines
I get magazines from three associations that I’m a member of every month, and these quickly pile up. In the middle of this picture is also a pile of National Geographics from when I subscribed to that for some time. If no one wants them I will have to recycle them as I have done once before with old magazines.

Sorry for the backlog in posts, time is limited now before Christmas and I might make more posts when I find time for it.
