Schnappi tracker

In EGEA we have an inflatable crocodile called Schnappi that travels around to different places along with members of EGEA. As I wanted to see Schnappis travels in a simple way I googled “time map” and found exactly what I wanted in the Timemap javascript library. It was easy to customize one of the Timemap examples to my needs. I chose to go with a kml file for the location and timeframe data, as that seemed the easiest to me, and I also chose to go with Openstreetmap as I like their maps and I didn’t need a API key to use it. The result can be seen here.

EGEA entities map

This is a map of the entities of the association EGEA. The markers on this map were made using the tool Batchgeo to generate a map and a kml file based on an excel file of locations, in my case a list of cities. I then used the KML to Shape tool in ArcMap to get a shape file that ArcGIS Online could understand. I’m now working on getting better coordinates for the entities than just in the middle of each city. Click here to get to the map.