Thesis abstract

Master thesis: 3D-modeling of the areas affected by sea level rise in Trondheim

I am using GIS to make maps of the areas which can potentially be affected by sea level rise in the city of Trondheim in the future. In the introduction chapter I am writing about the existing research on the effects of climate change and sea level rise in Norway. I am creating a 3D model of Trondheim using LIDAR data of the city. The affected areas will be visualized in this 3D model and visible online through a 3D web map application. On the map I am showing buildings, infrastructure and how many inhabitants which may be affected by different levels of increased sea level, taking into account the effect of high tides and storm surges. In the end I want to discuss why maps of the areas affected by increased sea level is important for society as a decision making tool when considering constructing close to the seacoast.

(this is a short 150 word version).


One Comment

  1. Hey nice thesis title! Do you need more geographers in Trondheim? haha 😀
    Regards from Koper!

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